Nyanda Cultural Tours
Nyanda Cultural Tours
Visit websiteNyanda Cultural Tours is an Aboriginal owned enterprise that supplies authentic Aboriginal experiences to school, conference and corporate clientele. Nyanda Aboriginal Cultural Tours and Experiences were developed and co-owned by Madonna and Nicholas Thomson. Madonna is also the owner of Jagera Daran Pty Ltd, a long established 100% Aboriginal owned and operated Cultural Heritage Consultancy in South East Queensland. Madonna Thomson and James Bonner brought their ecological and cultural knowledge together to inform the content of the Nyanda Cultural Educational Tours. Nyanda Cultural Tours sees tourism as a perfect opportunity to further extend authentic, immersive and highly interactive activities that foster education about Aboriginal Culture and Australia’s Aboriginal History. Jagera Daran builds upon respectful relationships shared by Aboriginal people and other Australians. Their aim is to now connect a wider audience to the richness of Aboriginal Culture. They invite everyone to be part of this exciting journey, and offer a program of experiences.