Publication Categories: Industry publications
‘Wild mango’, one of the earliest-known plant foods eaten in Australia, next big thing
Visit website‘Wild mango’, one of the earliest-known plant foods eaten in Australia, next big thing. Australian Geographic, Jun 2020
Accelerated shelf-life testing of Gulbarn herbal tea samples
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 22/03/2021
Australian natives: new opportunities based on traditional knowledge
Full text available through the AIFST quarterly publication Food Australia, or contact authors for more details: Heather Smyth and Yasmina Sultanbawa. ‘Australian natives: new opportunities based on traditional knowledge’, Food Australia, Apr-Jun 2020.
Chemical residue and elemental analysis of Jilungin (Terminalia canescens) used as a herbal infusion
- Prof Yasmina Sultanbawa
- Mridusmita, Chaliha, Marion and Bruno Dann, Twin Lakes Cultural Park
This report has enabled the sale of 2 tonnes of the dried powder as a herbal infusion (2019)
Chemical residues and elemental – dried leaves of Jilungin (Terminalia canescens)
- Prof Yasmina Sultanbawa
- Dr Mridusmita Chaliha
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 19/07/2019
Determination of Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Boab and Jiggal samples
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 17/12/2020
Determination of antioxidant potential (Terminalia canescens)
- Prof Yasmina Sultanbawa
- Dr Mridusmita Chaliha
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 23/07/2019
Determination of Ascorbic Acid
- Dr Anh Phan
- Prof Yasmina Sultanbawa
- Mridusmita, Chaliha, and T.H.E. Kakadu plum Propriety Ltd.
Determination of Ascorbic acid (Kakadu plum)
- Prof Yasmina Sultanbawa
- Dr Saleha Atker
- Dr Anh Phan
- Dr Mridusmita Chaliha
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 28/07/2020
Determination of ascorbic acid (Kakadu plum)
- Dr Anh Phan
- Prof Yasmina Sultanbawa
- Dr Mridusmita Chaliha
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 10/09/2019
Determination of ascorbic acid (Kakadu plum)
- Dr Anh Phan
- Prof Yasmina Sultanbawa
- Dr Mridusmita Chaliha
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 11/09/2019
Determination of ascorbic acid (Kakadu plum)
- Dr Anh Phan
- Prof Yasmina Sultanbawa
- Dr Mridusmita Chaliha
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 03/12/2019
Determination of ascorbic acid (Kakadu Plum)
- Dr Anh Phan
- Prof Yasmina Sultanbawa
- Dr Mridusmita Chaliha
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 10/03/2020
Determination of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) and Ellagic acid samples in Gubinge
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner.6/11/2020
Determination of Ascorbic Acid in Kakadu plum
Testing and reporting for Industry Partner. 10/03/2020
Determination of Ascorbic acid in Kakadu plum samples
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 12/07/2021
Determination of colour, total soluble solids, pH and total phenolic contents of Gubinge syrup
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 08/12/2021
Determination of microbial quality of Kakdu plum powder
- Prof Yasmina Sultanbawa
- Dr Mridusmita Chaliha
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 19/02/2020
Determination of vitamin C and ellagic acid levels in Gubinge samples
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 13/01/2021
Determination of Vitamin C in Kakadu plum puree
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 4/03/2021
DPPH radical scavenging activity of Jilungin (Terminalia canescens) samples
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner.5/05/2021
Empowering the Yarrabah Cooperative Society through the Science of Food Quality
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner.12/07/2021
Formulation of a Kakadu plum leaf hand sanitiser and screening tests for antimicrobial activities and total phenolic compounds
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner.13/01/2021
High value dehydrated products from traditional vegetables in South Africa as a low-calorie meal replacement with health benefits
- Prof Yasmina Sultanbawa
- Dharini Sivakumar
AAUN PRDF Final Report – 15th December 2020 ‘High value dehydrated products from traditional vegetables in South Africa as a low-calorie meal replacement with health benefits’
Information for European Union approval of Kakadu plum as a Traditional Food
- Prof Yasmina Sultanbawa
- Mridusmita, Chaliha and Australian Native Food and Botanicals (ANFAB)
Information provided on the production of KP powder, nutritional and biochemical composition, product specification sheets, safety and toxicity. (2019)
Moisture content, water activity and vitamin C in Kakadu Plum fruit powder
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner.12/07/2021
Nutritional analysis of Bush Apple
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 25/09/2020
Nutritional analysis of Kakadu plum seedcoat
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for industry Partner.6/11/2020
Nutritional and microbiological analysis of Native Mix
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 25/09/2020
Nutritional composition and minerals in Kakadu Plum fruit powder with and without seeds
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 26/04/2021
Nutritional composition and minerals in Terminalia Carpentaria fruit powder
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner.2/06/2021
Nutritional composition and sensory profiling of Larrani, Red Bush Apple (Syzygium suborbicularae) fruit
Visit websiteTesting and reporting to industry partner. 19/11/2021
Nutritional composition of Green Plum Buchanania obovovata fruit
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner.19/11/2021
Nutritional composition of Red Bush Apple (Syzygium suborbiculare) fruit
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 19/11/2021
Nutritional composition of the fruits, roots and leaves of Australian Boab/Baobab (Adensonia gregorii)
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 17/12/2021
Nutritional composition, anti-nutrients level and amino acid profile of Acacia colei seed flour
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner.15/06/2021
Nutritional profile of Gubinge / Kakadu plum powders
Visit websiteTesting and reporting to Industry partner. 08/12/2021
Nutritional profile of Kakadu plum powder
- Prof Yasmina Sultanbawa
- Dr Mridusmita Chaliha
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 11/03/2020
Physico-chemical parameters, total ellagic acid and vitamin C in Kakadu Plum fruits
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner.28/07/2021
Plant Variety and Seed Certification
Visit websiteKamalesh Adhikari and David J Jefferson ‘Plant Variety and Seed Certification’, Intangilbia Podcast Interview, December 2020
Profile of ripe Munydjutj, green plum Buchanania obovovata fruit from East Arnhem land
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 19/11/2021
Scoping Study on potential functional compounds in native Australian tree Pittosporum Angustifolium (Gumby Gumby)
Industry Report: Innovation Connections – Gumby Gumby Australia (2019)
Scoping study on Boonjie tamarind and Cape York lilly pilly – nutritional and bioactive properties.
- Dr Michael Netzel
- Prof Yasmina Sultanbawa
- Chaliha, Mridusmita
Industry Report: Innovation Connections – Rainforest Bounty (2019)
Scoping study on Feijoa – bioactive compounds and in vitro bioactivity
Industry Report: Innovation Connections – Product Art Ltd. (2019)
Terminalia ferdinandiana (Gubinge) leaves
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 19/11/2021
Understanding Consumer Triggers & Barriers to Consumption of Australian Indigenous Vegetables & Asian Vegetables
- Dr Denise Hamblin, Colmar Brunton
Download (2.13 MB)The research program VG15071 – Understanding consumer triggers & barriers to consumption of Australian Indigenous vegetables & Asian vegetables was designed to identify commercially viable Australian indigenous vegetables and Asian vegetables.
Vitamin C content, antioxidant activity, moisture content and water activity of Kaiyu Superfoods Kakadu plum samples
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner.12/07/2021
Vitamin C content, antioxidant activity, moisture content, and water activity of Kaiyu Superfoods samples
Visit websiteTesting and reporting for Industry Partner. 25/09/2020