Dr Oladapo Olukomaiya

Oladapo Oluwaseye Olukomaiya obtained his PhD degree in Food Science and Biotechnology from The University of Queensland in August 2021. He received his Bachelor of Agriculture degree (Animal Production & Health) and Master of Agriculture degree (Non-Ruminant Production) in November 2010 & August 2016, respectively from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, and also a Master of Science degree in Agricultural Biotechnology (with a specialization in Animal Biotechnology) in June 2016 from the Szent Istvan University, Godollo, Hungary.

In November 2018, he was a recipient of the Chook Shack Chat (Agrifutures Australia, Australian Eggs, Poultry Hub Australia) “Innovation for the poultry industries” Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Student Travel Award which he won during the 5th Animal Science Poster Olympics (QAAFI). Dr. Oladapo conducts Postdoctoral studies at the Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centre for Uniquely Australian Foods, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI), The University of Queensland where he is involved in the application of solid-state fermentation in the bioprocessing of agroindustrial by-products, under-utilized plant materials and food wastes as a value-addition technique prior to food and feed applications.

Publications contributed to by Oladapo: https://scholar.google.hu/citations?hl=en&user=hFCPFgkAAAAJ&view_op=list_works

Projects Oladapo is involved with: https://uniquelyaustralianfoods.org/projects/australian-native-seaweed-diet-diversification/

Publications contributed to by Dr Oladapo Olukomaiya: