Tag: intellectual-property-plants
Posts Tagged ‘intellectual-property-plants’
Novelties, Frauds, and Protections: The Fruit Business in Ninteenth-Century America
Professor Daniel Kevles Yale University Date and time: 9 AM, 18 October 2022 AEST (Time Converter for your location), 1 hour duration Location: Online Lecture via Zoom Register: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/277289669867 Abstract In the United States through the 1830s,..
Artificial by Nature: Plastic Flowers as Intangible Properties
Register: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/artificial-by-nature-people-plants-and-the-law-lecture-series-registration-277282638837 Abstract In March 1961, the refusal of entry of a ‘Sweetheart Roses’ consignment into the United States began a series of interesting controversies concerning the copyright in plastic roses, geraniums, lilacs, and flower..
Stand and Deliver: Biopiracy, Law and the Balkanization of the Genescape
Professor Jack Kloppenburg Emeritus Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison Date and time: 9 AM, 22 February 2022 AEST (Time Converter for your location), 1 hour duration Watch the recorded lecture: https://law.uq.edu.au/event/session/17624 For 40 years now the users..
Supporting Indigenous Data: Introducing the Traditional Knowledge and Biocultural Labels
Associate Professor Jane Anderson New York University Associate Professor Maui Hudson University of Waikato Date and time: 5 PM, 17 May 2022 AEST (Time Converter for your location), 1 hour duration Location: Online Lecture via Zoom..
Webinar: Governing crop genetics – Dr. Kamalesh Adhikari
Governing crop genetics: How to untie the knot of ownership, control and circulation of suitable seeds – Dr. Kamalesh Adhikari 22 October 2021, 10:00 – 13:00 CEST – FRIDTJOF NANSEN INSTITUTEChallenges and options of Gene..