Category: Community events
Archive for the ‘Community events’ Category
Plum pickings: ancient fruit ripe for modern plates
An Indigenous fruit which is one of the earliest known plant foods eaten in Australia could be the next big thing in the bush foods industry. The University of Queensland research team is led by..
‘Wild mango’, one of the earliest-known plant foods eaten in Australia, next big thing
THE GREEN PLUM, sometimes known as ‘wild mango’, will be the “next big thing in bush foods”, according to experts. The small, green fruit can be found in the arid parts of the Northern Territory,..
Shaping Australia’s food identity
A team of researchers are determined to change the Australian menu and move beyond the cliché meat pies and lamingtons to see distinctive Australian cuisine and food products served up. Led by The University of..
Matt Golinski to prepare charity dinner at Winton Outback Festival
Highly regarded chef Matt Golinski will be coming to Winton to join the Outback Festival celebrations and prepare a three-course dinner for guests attending the 2019 Sunset Extravaganza charity dinner, an exclusive evening event dining..