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Posts by category
- Category: Community events
- Category: Community news
- Great successes for our Indigenous Research Partner Kiril Park Wild Harvest!
- Native Oz Bushfoods and UAF working bee day!
- Madonna Thomson, Indigenous Enterprise Group Chair, celebrates NAIDOC Week
- ARC centre researchers learn about Jagera people’s history, culture and plant uses
- Indigenous heritage and biodiversity expert joins the ARC Training Centre for Uniquely Australian Foods
- Future stars at Karen Sheldon Catering
- Plum Delicious: Delicious and nutritious bush foods
- Provenance toolkit to help rural businesses stand out from the crowd
- The Australian plants that could become our daily fare
- Our indigenous foods’ global mission
- Timor Leste uses native foods to tackle malnutrition
- Chef tempts Brisbane food lovers to tuck into Indigenous-inspired menu
- Shaping Australia’s food identity
- Scientists prepare to farm puffy pink seaweed that stops cows burping methane
- Wattle seed – The new superfood
- Building the Traditional Owner-led bush products sector
- Landmark hepatitis study tracks ancient human movements into Australia
- Aboriginal foodways: Towards a return of native food in Australia
- Kakadu find confirms earliest Australian occupation
- 10 bush medicines that have been curing people for generations
- Category: Industry News
- Category: News
- Workshop on Promoting Health and Food Security with Indigenous Crops
- Celebrating Our Story- Uniquely Australian Foods 2023 Event
- Bushfoods bring Indigenous knowledge to mainstream markets
- Traditional Knowledge connects with Western Science in a week of shared learning and yarns’
- Exploring Agriculture and Science at Warwick: A Day of Learning and Connection
- Going with the grain: growing partnerships with Indonesia
- Native bunya nuts close to home for Brazilian researcher
- Cooking up a future for Australian yams
- First Nations PhD scholar leads the way on native fungi
- Bushfoods visit to Kindy!
- Indigenous cooks, Karen Sheldon Training Staff and Masterchef star Minoli learn, taste and create with the UAF Centre!
- Murri School Indigenous students visit UAF for a taste of bushfood and science!
- Salty and sustainable – an Indigenous food with business potential
- Salty and sustainable – an Indigenous food with business potential
- UAF Centre presents at Indigenous Plants for Health Field day, Foxbar Falls, QLD
- Integrating wattle seed production into farming
- Sweetening the deal without sugar: Co-design of a low sugar fizzy drink
- Centre PhD candidates offer a volunteer hand and learn more about Native Oz Bushfoods
- TropAG success for our Indigenous research partners!
- ITTC for Uniquely Australian Foods at TropAG 2022
- Sweetening the deal without the sugar
- Looking to the past to save the future
- The UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy program in action!
- Bushfoods bring Indigenous knowledge to mainstream markets
- Wattle seed: Australia’s ancient superfood
- A day of touring, learning, and yarning for Indigenous partners and centre students
- Native Oz Bushfoods Cultural Tour
- ARC Centre and partners at Inspiring Social Enterprise World Forum!
- Indigenous partners share in learning and delicious food with staff and students of the ARC Centre
- Winner of the AIFST Sensory Solutions Tony Williams Sensory Award 2022…
- Uniquely Australian Foods supports Hermitage Research Facility’s 25th Annual Schools Plant Science Competition
- The next big thing in bush food business!
- The UAF team present at Mon Repos Turtle Centre for Inaugural First Nations Native Botanical and Ecotourism Industry Workshop
- Native bunya nuts close to home for Brazilian researcher
- Coming together in support of the Australian Wattle seed
- Training Centre and Partners Featured on SBS for NAIDOC Week
- Bunya nuts featured on front cover of the Journal of Food Science!
- The very young learn about friendships and nutrition of Australian native plants
- Student success in the 2022 QAAFI 3MT competition!
- Inviting Indigenous partners into the labs for two way learning and shared enjoyment
- Burnett Mary Regional Group, Gidarjil Development Corporation & Uniquely Australian foods commit to working together!
- Uniquely Australian Foods helps celebrate 125 years at Hermitage Research Facility
- Kakadu Plum Stakeholders meeting – Darwin April 2021
- Burnett Mary Regional Group representatives visit the Uniquely Australian Food team
- UAF team welcomes Native Oz Bushfoods team to the Elkhorn labs!
- Documenting ancient Indigenous languages
- Global Dialogue discusses traditional foods as our future superfoods
- ‘Science is my community’ – reflection by Professor Yasmina Sultanbawa in Frontiers Science News
- Yasmina Sultanbawa – Science is my community
- Yasmina Sultanbawa – Science is my community
- ARC Centre staff and students learn to be entrepreneurs
- Michel Beya is an Ambassador for the Red Meat Industry!
- Dr Saleha Akter, winner of the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Degree by Research Thesis!
- Indigenous Plants for Health field day
- Field Trip to ‘Yina’
- Uniquely Australian Foods at Birkdale South State School
- A trip into the therapeutic potential of Australia’s native magic mushrooms
- A trip into the therapeutic potential of Australia’s native magic mushrooms
- Yasmina on 4ZZZ Radio talking about Indigenous Bush Food Production
- Gayathri Rajagopal, ARC UAF PhD student, enjoys success in the IFAMA student case study competition
- Prof. Yasmina Sultanbawa, ARC UAF Centre Director, discusses the importance of leaving the lab and working with communities
- Portable chemistry kit measuring quality of native bush fruits in the field
- Indigenous communities can now assess the quality and sweetness of their wild-harvested native bush fruits in the field, rather than sending samples off to food science laboratories.
- Celebrations as PhD Milestones Achieved
- Congratulations to Jaqueline Moura Nadolny on 3 Minute Thesis Competition Success
- Be Inspired by the work of ARC ITTC UAF indigenous enterprise partners showcased in ABC TV show “Movin’ to the country”
- Congratulations to Sera Susan Jacob: a Queensland semi-finalists in FameLab 2021
- Indigenous heritage and biodiversity expert to help lead Australia’s bush foods industry
- Blog – One week behind the scenes of PhycoHealth
- Blog – Exploring the cultural heritage and nutrition of wattle seeds
- Illuminata Podcast – with Yasmina Sultanbawa
- Exploring the cultural heritage and nutrition of wattle seeds
- The 2020 End of the Year Celebration was a Tasteful Experience
- SESNA 2020, held on Friday 6 November
- QAAFI Science Seminar – Prof Daniel Cozzolino, 27 October
- QAAFI Science Seminar – Prof Brad Sherman, 15 October
- Native green plums from Arnhem Land found to have significant health benefits, commercial appeal
- Plum pickings: ancient fruit ripe for modern plates
- World goes nuts for QLD macadamias
- The science of taste and fussy eating and why some diners choose butter chicken over vindaloo
- Art Museum show engages the senses to explore memory
- Eureka prizes for Indigenous education programs and blue carbon research in Australia’s ‘science Oscars’
- Branding cheese as feta and gruyere may be banned in Australia under EU deal
- Our Food Security Journalism Award winner for 2019 is…
- Demand for native foods pushes foraging trend to greenhouse cultivation
- Seaweed Siren: A scientist turns to the healing powers of seaweed after a terrible accident
- Marine biologist was scalped in her research lab, but sees the positive side of her accident
- Nowra woman carried her bloody scalp 200m back to office after accident
- The Australian plants that could become our daily fare
- Archaeologists are detectives of the past
- 2023 Annual Report
- Proceedings Promoting Health and Food Security with Indigenous Crops
- Bringing back a forgotten legume—Sensory profiles of Australian native wattleseeds reveal potential for novel food applications
- The impact of Kakadu Plum (Terminalia ferdinandiana) fruit powder and its pectic oligosaccharides on the growth, survival and antimicrobial activity of probiotic bacteria in milk
- A Review of Phytochemicals and Bioactive Properties in the Proteaceae Family: A Promising Source of Functional Food
- Physical properties and magnetic resonance imaging of the Australian green plum (Buchanania obovata) through maturity and ripening and across locations
- Domesticated Australian Wattle seeds ( Acacia species ): nutritional values, techno‐functional properties, and toxicological assessments after roasting
- Kakadu plum (Terminalia ferdinandiana) bioactivity against spoilage microorganisms and oxidative reactions in refrigerated raw beef patties under modified atmosphere packaging
- Bioactive Properties of Kakadu Plum-Blended Products
- Quality Assessment of Burdekin Plum (Pleiogynium timoriense) during Ambient Storage
- Valorisation of Three Underutilised Native Australian Plants: Phenolic and Organic Acid Profiles and In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity
- Seeking Sweetness: A Systematic Scoping Review of Factors Influencing Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption in Remote Indigenous Communities Worldwide
- Impact of Growing Location on Kakadu Plum Fruit Composition and In Vitro Bioactivity as Determinants of Its Nutraceutical Potential
- Structure – Function relationship of Australian Acacia seed protein concentrates: Amino acid composition, in vitro protein digestibility and molecular properties
- Nutritional and techno-functional properties of Australian Acacia seed flour: Effects of roasting on chemical composition, physicochemical properties, and in vitro digestibility and intestinal iron absorption
- Effects of incorporating processed Acacia seed as an emulsifying agent on the quality attributes of beef sausage
- 2022 Annual Report
- Themes of a Seed Bank
- Chemical composition of bunya nuts (Araucaria bidwillii) compared to Araucaria angustifolia and Araucaria araucana species
- Intellectual property, traditional knowledge, and native biodiversity: convention and progression in the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
- We Save Landraces – We Use Landraces
- Future flavours from the past: Sensory and nutritional profiles of green plum (Buchanania obovata), red bush apple (Syzygium suborbiculare) and wild peach (Terminalia carpentariae) from East Arnhem Land, Australia
- Biochemical composition and aroma of Melaleuca citrolens Barlow (Myrtaceae) leaves from different regions of Australian Northern Territory
- Influence of blanching on the bioactive compounds of Terminalia ferdinandiana Exell fruit during storage
- Nutritional composition and anti-nutrients of underutilized Australian indigenous edible halophytes – Saltbush, Seablite and Seapurslane
- Investigating the Efficacy of Tasmannia lanceolata Extract in Inactivating Fungi and Prolonging the Shelf Life of Date Fruit
- Hydrolysable tannins, physicochemical properties, and antioxidant property of wild-harvested Terminalia ferdinandiana (exell) fruit at different maturity stages
- Determination of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) and Ellagic acid samples in Gubinge
- Nutritional analysis of Kakadu plum seedcoat
- Determination of Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Boab and Jiggal samples
- Formulation of a Kakadu plum leaf hand sanitiser and screening tests for antimicrobial activities and total phenolic compounds
- Determination of vitamin C and ellagic acid levels in Gubinge samples
- Determination of Vitamin C in Kakadu plum puree
- Accelerated shelf-life testing of Gulbarn herbal tea samples
- Nutritional composition and minerals in Kakadu Plum fruit powder with and without seeds
- DPPH radical scavenging activity of Jilungin (Terminalia canescens) samples
- Nutritional composition and minerals in Terminalia Carpentaria fruit powder
- Nutritional composition, anti-nutrients level and amino acid profile of Acacia colei seed flour
- Vitamin C content, antioxidant activity, moisture content and water activity of Kaiyu Superfoods Kakadu plum samples
- Empowering the Yarrabah Cooperative Society through the Science of Food Quality
- Indigenous Fruits and Vegetables
- Enhanced nutritional and phytochemical profiles of selected underutilized fruits, vegetables, and legumes
- Determination of Ascorbic acid in Kakadu plum samples
- Moisture content, water activity and vitamin C in Kakadu Plum fruit powder
- Physico-chemical parameters, total ellagic acid and vitamin C in Kakadu Plum fruits
- Nutritional composition of Green Plum Buchanania obovovata fruit
- Nutritional composition of Red Bush Apple (Syzygium suborbiculare) fruit
- Nutritional and mineral composition, Allergen gluten test and Microbial analysis of ‘Collagen’, ‘Energy’ and ‘Hemp’ products with Kakadu plum
- Nutritional and mineral compositions, Beta-carotene and Vitamin C contents, Antioxidant activities, and Allergen gluten test of ‘Immunity Blend’ and ‘Gut Health blend’ samples
- Nutritional composition of the fruits, roots and leaves of Australian Boab/Baobab (Adensonia gregorii)
- Formulation, characterization, and stability of food grade oil-in-water nanoemulsions of essential oils of Tasmannia lanceolata, Backhousia citriodora and Syzygium anisatum
- 2021 Annual Report
- Vitamin C content, antioxidant activity, moisture content, and water activity of Kaiyu Superfoods samples
- Nutritional analysis of Bush Apple
- Nutritional and microbiological analysis of Native Mix
- Nutritional profile of Kakadu plum powder
- Determination of ascorbic acid (Kakadu Plum)
- Determination of microbial quality of Kakdu plum powder
- Determination of ascorbic acid (Kakadu plum)
- Determination of ascorbic acid (Kakadu plum)
- Determination of ascorbic acid (Kakadu plum)
- Determination of Ascorbic acid (Kakadu plum)
- Determination of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) and Ellagic acid samples in Gubinge (Kakadu plum) from Yawuru Minyirr Buru conservation park, Western Australia
- Determination of antioxidant potential (Terminalia canescens)
- Chemical residues and elemental - dried leaves of Jilungin (Terminalia canescens)
- Profile of ripe Munydjutj, green plum Buchanania obovovata fruit from East Arnhem land
- Nutritional composition and sensory profiling of Larrani, Red Bush Apple (Syzygium suborbicularae) fruit
- Terminalia ferdinandiana (Gubinge) leaves
- Determination of colour, total soluble solids, pH and total phenolic contents of Gubinge syrup
- Nutritional profile of Gubinge / Kakadu plum powders
- Sensory properties of Australian bunya nuts
- "Are we doing another steal?" Decolonizing the self as prelude to research in the Australian native foods industry: a deep thinking framework
- Wild Harvesting Australian Native Plants
- Benefit Sharing with Indigenous People
- Free Prior and Informed Consent of Indigenous People
- Section 19 Land Use Agreements in the Northern Territory
- Certificate of Compliance with the Nagoya Protocol
- The Legal Regulation of Biodiscovery in the Northern Territory
- The Legal Regulation of Access to Native Biological resources in the Commonwealth Areas
- The Legal Regulation of the Use of Traditional Knowledge in Queensland
- The Legal regulation of Biodiscovery in Queensland Fact Sheet
- Recommended reading list for understanding more about Australia's First Nations peoples
- Reconciliation Policy
- In vitro Bioaccessibility and Intestinal Absorption of Selected Bioactive Compounds in Terminalia ferdinandiana
- Future of Bushfood
- The Framework for Responsible Research With Australian Native Plant Foods: A Food Chemist's Perspective
- Insights on the role of chemometrics and vibrational spectroscopy in fruit metabolite analysis
- Cooking African pumpkin leaves (Momordica balsamina L.) by stir-frying improved bioactivity and bioaccessibility of metabolites—metabolomic and chemometric approaches
- Anti-Yeast Synergistic Effects and Mode of Action of Australian Native Plant Essential Oils
- Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia 2021 Annual report
- Extraction optimisation, hydrolysis, antioxidant properties and bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds in Natal plum fruit (Carissa Macrocarpa)
- Proximate composition, functional and antimicrobial properties of wild harvest Terminalia carpentariae fruit
- Proceedings Indigenous Plant Foods for Nutrition and Health
- The effect of maturity and season on health-related bioactive compounds in wild harvested fruit of Terminalia ferdinandiana (Exell)
- Model Contractual Agreement for non-commercial research on plant materials collected from Indigenous land
- Hydrolysable tannins in Terminalia ferdinandiana Exell fruit powder and comparison of their functional properties from different solvent extracts
- Impact of polyphenol-rich extracts of Terminalia ferdinandiana fruits and seeds on viability of human intestinal and liver cells in vitro
- Determination of ellagic acid, punicalagin, and castalagin from Terminalia ferdinandiana (Kakadu plum) by a validated UHPLC-PDA-MS/MS methodology
- A practical chemometric approach using UPLC–QTOF/MS tool to investigate three varieties of pumpkin species and in vitro bioactivities
- Effect of freeze drying and simulated gastrointestinal digestion on phenolic metabolites and antioxidant property of the Natal plum (Carissa macrocarpa)
- The measurement of antioxidant capacity and colour attributes in wild harvest samphire (Tecticornia sp.) samples using mid-infrared spectroscopy
- 2020 Annual report
- Biochemical basis of resistance to pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera) in Australian wild relatives of pigeonpea
- Measurement of total soluble solids and moisture in puree and dry powder of Kakadu plum (Terminalia ferdinanadiana) samples using hand-held near infrared spectroscopy
- Mid-infrared spectroscopy as a rapid tool to qualitatively predict the effects of species, regions and roasting on the nutritional composition of Australian Acacia seed species
- What Should Farmers’ Rights Look Like? The Possible Substance of a Right
- Effects of drying methods and maltodextrin on vitamin C and quality of Terminalia ferdinandiana fruit powder, an emerging Australian functional food ingredient
- Unlocking the secrets of kernels using near-infrared spectroscopy
- The use of a micro near infrared portable instrument to predict bioactive compounds in a wild harvested fruit—Kakadu plum (Terminalia ferdinandiana)
- Assessing the interaction between drying and addition of maltodextrin to Kakadu plum powder samples by two dimensional and near infrared spectroscopy
- Plant-based phenolic molecules as natural preservatives in comminuted meats: a review
- Tecticornia sp. (Samphire)—A Promising Underutilized Australian Indigenous Edible Halophyte
- Nutritional, anti‐nutritional, antioxidant, physicochemical and functional characterization of Australian acacia seed: effect of species and regions
- Certification Marks for Australian Native Foods: A Proposal for Indigenous Ownership of Intellectual Property
- What should farmers' rights look like? The possible substance of a right
- Nutritional analysis, volatile composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of Australian green ants (Oecophylla smaragdina)
- Monitoring two different drying methods of Kakadu plum puree by combining infrared and chemometrics analysis
- Challenges and opportunities of the fourth revolution: a brief insight into the future of food
- Plant Variety and Seed Certification
- The nutritional potential of the native australian green plum (Buchanania obovata) compared to other anacardiaceae fruit and nuts
- High value dehydrated products from traditional vegetables in South Africa as a low-calorie meal replacement with health benefits
- Interactions Between Phytochemicals and Minerals in Terminalia ferdinandiana and Implications for Mineral Bioavailability
- The use of vibrational spectroscopy to predict vitamin C in Kakadu plum powders (Terminalia ferdinandiana Exell, Combretaceae)
- Antimicrobial activity, total phenolic and ascorbic acid content of Terminalia ferdinandiana leaves at various stages of maturity
- An infrared analysis of Terminalia ferdinandiana exell [Combretaceae] fruit and leaves—towards the development of biospectroscopy tools to characterise uniquely Australian foods
- Effect of sample presentation on the near infrared spectra of wild harvest Kakadu plum fruits (Terminalia ferdinandiana)
- Model contractual clauses for the collection of native plant materials from Indigenous land
- Policy on data collection
- Policy on research publications
- Policy on research with native plant materials obtained from Indigenous partners and communities
- Policy on access and use of Indigenous knowledge
- Procedures for working with Indigenous partners and communities
- Impact of curcumin-mediated photosensitization on fungal growth, physicochemical properties and nutritional composition in Australian grown strawberry
- Biochemical, antioxidant and sensory evaluation of Davidsonia pruriens and Davidsoina jerseyana fruit infusion.
- Policy on Research Publications
- Procedures when working with Indigenous Communities
- Policy on intellectual property and benefit sharing where research is undertaken on Indigenous native plant materials
- Comparison of Phenolic Compounds, Carotenoids, Amino Acid Composition, In Vitro Antioxidant and Anti-Diabetic Activities in the Leaves of Seven Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) Cultivars
- Modelling folates reaction kinetics during cowpea seed germination in comparison with soaking
- 2019 Annual Report
- Collecting Australian native plant materials from the Wild: Guidelines on key legal issues
- Collecting Australian native plant materials from Intermediaries: Guidelines on key legal issues
- Nutritional Value and Antimicrobial Activity of Pittosporum angustifolium (Gumby Gumby), an Australian Indigenous Plant
- Enhancement of the phytonutrient content of a gluten-free soup using a composite of vegetables
- Complexities in developing Australian Aboriginal enterprises based on natural resources
- ‘Wild mango’, one of the earliest-known plant foods eaten in Australia, next big thing
- A Mid Infrared (MIR) Spectroscopy Study of the Composition of Edible Australian Green Ants (Oecophylla smaragdina)—a Qualitative Study
- A Practical Approach on the Combination of GC-MS and Chemometric Tools to Study Australian Edible Green Ants
- The Nagoya Protocol and historical collections of plants
- Enrichment of Mango Fruit Leathers with Natal Plum (Carissa macrocarpa) Improves Their Phytochemical Content and Antioxidant Properties.
- Australian natives: new opportunities based on traditional knowledge
- Effects of Different Drying Methods on Untargeted Phenolic Metabolites, and Antioxidant Activity in Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa L. subsp. chinensis) and Nightshade (Solanum retroflexum Dun.)
- Determination of Ascorbic Acid in Kakadu plum
- What is Intellectual Property?
- Plant Breeder's Rights
- What is a Patent?
- What is a Trade Mark?
- Certification Trade Marks
- What is Copyright?
- Moral Rights for Researchers
- What is Confidential Information?
- Trade Secrets
- Indigenous Intellectual Property
- Key International Treaties for Plant Genetic Resources
- International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
- What are Farmers' Rights
- Access to Genetic Resources under the Convention on Biological Diversity
- Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing
- The Legal Regulation of Biodiscovery in Australia
- Disclosure of Origin
- End Point Royalties
- Closed Loop Contracts
- Consequences of Breach of Contract
- Intellectual Property Remedies
- Copyright, Open Access and Translation for Scientific and Academic Research
- Freedom to Operate
- Australian Native Plant Foods and Their Contribution to Diet Diversity
- Sensory properties of yellow pea and macadamia honeys from conventional and flow hive extraction methods
- Acacia seed proteins: Low or high quality? A comprehensive review
- Kakadu Plum (Terminalia ferdinandiana) as a Sustainable Indigenous Agribusiness
- First Peoples & Public Policy - a collection of resources for and by First Peoples and those working in Indigenous public policy and administration
- Understanding Consumer Triggers & Barriers to Consumption of Australian Indigenous Vegetables & Asian Vegetables
- Reimagining the relationship between food sovereignty and intellectual property for plants: Lessons from Ecuador and Nepal
- What does it mean to protect farmers’ varieties as intellectual property?.
- Policy, politics, and implications of Pakistan’s Plant Breeders’ Rights Act.
- Intellectual property law for plant varieties: challenges and developments in Asia.
- From neglect to protection: recognising the importance of farmers’ varieties in Sri Lanka.
- Wattleseed
- Strawberry Gum
- Sea Parsley
- Saltbush
- River Mint
- Riberry
- Quondong
- Peppermint Gum
- Pepperleaf
- Pepperberry
- Lemon Myrtle
- Lemon Aspen
- Kakadu Plum
- Jilungin
- Gulbarn
- Finger lime
- Desert Lime
- Bush Tomato
- Anise Myrtle
- Scoping study on Boonjie tamarind and Cape York lilly pilly – nutritional and bioactive properties.
- Chemical residue and elemental analysis of Jilungin (Terminalia canescens) used as a herbal infusion
- Information for European Union approval of Kakadu plum as a Traditional Food
- Scoping Study on potential functional compounds in native Australian tree Pittosporum Angustifolium (Gumby Gumby)
- Scoping study on Feijoa - bioactive compounds and in vitro bioactivity
- Determination of Ascorbic Acid
- Terminalia ferdinandiana, a traditional medicinal plant of Australia, alleviates hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative stress and inflammation, in vitro
- Antioxidant Rich Extracts of Terminalia ferdinandiana Inhibit the Growth of Foodborne Bacteria
- Ellagic acid-rich extracts of Terminalia ferdinandiana fruit and seeds, improve cell viability in vitro compared to ellagic acid alone
- Safety assessment of ellagic acid-rich extracts from Terminalia ferdinandiana (Kakadu plum)
- B13 - Native Australian Fruits: freeze-dried Kakadu plum (Terminalia ferdinandiana) powder as an example for a high-quality food product
- Mechanism of Action against Food Spoilage Yeasts and Bioactivity of Tasmannia lanceolata, Backhousia citriodora and Syzygium anisatum Plant Solvent Extracts
- Biochemical and functional properties of indigenous Australian herbal infusions
- Intellectual property and related legal issues facing the Australian Native Food Industry
- Cytotoxicity of Terminalia ferdinandiana extracts in intestinal and hepatic cancer cell lines
- Nutritional characteristics of native Australian fruits: Kakadu plum and green plum as examples.
- Native Australian fruits as a “natural reservoir” for functional food applications: analytical and biochemical approach
- Kakadu plum: safety assessment
- Buchanania obovata: An Australian Indigenous food for diet diversification
- Buchanania obovata: Functionality and Phytochemical Profiling of the Australian Native Green Plum
- Chemical and Nutritional Composition of Terminalia ferdinandiana (Kakadu Plum) Kernels: A Novel Nutrition Source
- Biodiversity, genetic resources and intellectual property
- Nutritional and anti-nutritional properties of Terminalia ferdinandiana (Kakadu plum) from the Northern Territory, Australia
- Sensory vocabulary for five native Australian plant foods and five native Australian leaf teas
- Formulation, characterisation and antibacterial activity of lemon myrtle and anise myrtle essential oil in water nanoemulsion
- Processing of native plant foods and ingredients
- Australian native plants: anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory properties
- Food preservation and the antimicrobial activity of Australian native plants
- Unique flavours from Australian native plants
- Australian native plants: Anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory properties
- Food preservation and the antimicrobial activity of Australian native plants
- Processing of native plant foods and ingredients
- Value added nutritionally rich products from Australian wattle seeds (Acacia species)
- In vitro antimicrobial effects and mode of action of KP (Terminalia ferdinandiana) products against pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms
- Extraction and characterization of a novel Terminalia pectin
- Bioactive rich extracts from Terminalia ferdinandiana by enzyme-assisted extraction: A simple food safe extraction method
- Organic acids in Kakadu plum (Terminalia ferdinandiana): The good (ellagic), the bad (oxalic) and the uncertain (ascorbic)
- Measuring free ellagic acid: influence of extraction conditions on recovery by studying solubility and UV-Visible spectra
- Measuring the three forms of ellagic acid: suitability of extraction solvents
- Tasmanian Pepper Leaf (Tasmannia lanceolata) Oils
- Lemon Myrtle (Backhousia citriodora) Oils
- Anise Myrtle (Syzygium anisatum) Oils
- Evaluation of packaging films to extend storage life of Indigenous Australian vegetables and herbs
- Changes in quality and bioactivity of native food during storage
- Plant extracts as natural antimicrobials in food preservation
- Infrared spectroscopy as a rapid tool to detect methylglyoxal and antibacterial activity in Australian honeys
- Profiling ellagic acid content: The importance of form and ascorbic acid levels
- Traditional Knowledge and Geographical Indications of Origin
- Leptospermum (Manuka) honey: accepted natural medicine
- Effect of Packaging Materials and Storage on Major Volatile Compounds in Three Australian Native Herbs
- Flavour wheels
- Microalgae: a valuable source of natural carotenoids with potential health benefits
- Lexicon for the Sensory Description of Australian Native Plant Foods and Ingredients
- Quality control of honey using spectroscopic methods
- Demystifying Australian flavours - a new lexicon
- Profiling Australian flavours
- Native Australian fruits — a novel source of antioxidants for food
- Sources of Antioxidant Activity in Australian Native Fruits. Identification and Quantification of Anthocyanins
- Towards an Indigenous Public Domain?
- Integrating indigenous traditional knowledge with science to co-improve Australian native botanicals’ value chain- A case study of Terminalia Canascens (Jilungin tea)
- Bioeconomic model for Australian native foods
- Market Insights
- Trade Mark Protection and Benefit Sharing
- Sustainable Livelihoods
- Establishing a Value Proposition for the Bunya Nut
- Australian Native Seaweed for Diet Diversification
- Wattle seeds for nutritional foods
- Establishing a value proposition for the burdekin plum
- Development of a sustainable business model for the Kakadu plum
- Quality of Australian honey from native botanicals using novel harvesting technologies
- Nutritional quality and functionality of selected Australian native herbs
- Yu Jun James Lian
- Mokaddes Ahmed Dipu
- Jiale Zhang
- Khalil Saber Madani
- Christopher Peter Sauer
- Sruthi Balaji
- Dr Oladapo Olukomaiya
- Nicola Tandurella
- Honorary Professor Henrietta Marrie AM
- Dr Saleha Atker
- Liz Webb
- Sophie Ader
- Nolana Lynch
- Gayathri Rajagopal
- Clare Wijngaarden
- Mrs Emma Hassall
- Batlah Almutairi
- Maral Seidi Damyeh
- Eshetu Bobasa
- Gengning Chen
- Michel Beya
- Selina Fyfe
- Oladipupo Adiamo
- Sukirtha Srivarathan
- Dr Heather Shewan
- Sera Susan Jacob
- Prof Dharini Sivakumar
- Jaqueline Moura Nadolny
- Dr Anh Phan
- Dr Barbara Williams
- Dr Bernadine Flanagan
- Dr Kamalesh Adhikari
- Dr Gabi Netzel
- Dr Sandra Olarte Mantilla
- Saskia Urlass
- Roslyn Newbound
- Dr Olivia Wright
- A/Prof Daniel Cozzolino
- Dr Pia Winberg
- Sarah Hickey
- Rus Glover
- Dr Emily Grace
- Lizzie Webb
- Rhonda Renwick
- Ann Shanley
- Prof Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin
- Prof Stan Kubow
- Prof Michael Rychlik
- Carol Ballard
- Prof Louwrens Hoffman
- Dr Michael Netzel
- Dr Allison Fish
- Prof Janeen Baxter
- Prof Brad Sherman
- Prof Jason Stokes
- Prof Mike Gidley
- A/Prof Heather Smyth
- Prof Yasmina Sultanbawa
Our Partners
- Native Oz Bushfoods
- Kiril Park Wild Harvest
- Gugu-Badhun Aboriginal Corporation
- Nyanda Cultural Tours
- Bindam Mie Kimberly Cultural Adventures
- The Kimberly Institute
- Yarrabah Cooperative Society
- Kaiyu Superfoods
- Wild Orchard Kakadu Plum
- Twin Lakes Cultural Park
- Australian Native Products
- Accuratus
- Venus Shell Systems
- Beeinventive Pty Ltd
- Karen Sheldon Group
- Australian Native Food & Botanicals (ANFAB)
- Kindred Spirits
- University of Queensland
- Australian Research Council
Event Categories
- Conference
- External Workshop
- HDR Seminar
- Internal Workshop
- Launch
- Online Training Course
- public lecturer
- Seminar
- Site Visit
- Symposium
Publication Categories
- Annual Reports
- Books and book chapters
- Conference publications
- Industry publications
- Legal Fact Sheets
- Legal Guidelines
- Model Agreements
- Policies and procedures
- Product Fact sheets
- Recommended Reading and Resources
- Research publications