QAAFI Science Seminar – Prof Brad Sherman, 15 October
QAAFI Science Seminar – Prof Brad Sherman, 15 October
The impact of changes to the Qld Biodiscovery law on scientific research
Queensland became one of the first jurisdictions in the world to regulate the collection, circulation and use of biological resources (e.g. plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms) for scientific and commercial purposes when it passed the Biodiscovery Act in 2004. In order to bring this Queensland law into line with the Nagoya Protocol and other relevant international laws, to fulfil its commitment to recognise traditional knowledge, and to overcome some of the problems with the existing law, the Queensland Government made a number of amendments to the QLD Biodiscovery Act 2004 on 11 August 2020.
This workshop will examine the key features of the new Queensland biodiscovery law and the impact it might have for researchers, scientists, plant breeders, and Indigenous Peoples.
For more information see link here.